Three potential entries for the Clearfield County Fair photography contest this year.… Continue Reading
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Recovered from being sick. I’m going through some of my photos that I shoved into “to work on” collections while wedding photos upload to Smugmug. These next unknown number of TWP may be random.… Continue Reading
I was intending to upload these in more of a batch setup. I hadn’t decided on how large to make the batch(s). This theme’s design doesn’t work well with multiple images in a post and the portfolio section. So here is another series. This is a completely impromptu self-challenge/series. En route to Pittsburgh […]… Continue Reading
The next “Sunday Project” series will be stacking. This has been something I’ve been toying around with for a little over a year now without realizing what it was that I was doing. In fact, said photo was the second of this version of my website. The URL still reads “portfolio-test-2”. Apparently I am […]… Continue Reading
This month’s color, for those who missed the schedule, is blue. As a warning, the updates may fall off of their Tuesday/Thursday schedule some due to increased activity at my day job. If I’m off by a day I’ll back date said photo. I did this with the June 6 entry. If there is a […]… Continue Reading
A few weeks back I attended two events designed to be fundraisers to help a six-year-old girl, Emily Whitehead, fight leukemia. The first was lighting up a local park with luminary candles. The second was a candle lit vigil along Cold Stream Dam. Here are a selection of photos from these two events, originally published […]… Continue Reading
I wanted to try something different. Red was a relatively safe month. I have something planned for June. I don’t know yet about next month. So I decided to try out something new for myself here. What I was going for was a visual pun. This is an orange. So why not attempt to remove […]… Continue Reading
Well, project sound did not work. I’m going to attempting “Twice Weekly Photos” from a different approach. For 2012 I will be borrowing from Pixiq’s project list. I’ll try limiting TWP photos to a color a month. February: Red March: Orange April: Yellow May: Green June: Blue July: Purple August: Black September: Brown October: […]… Continue Reading